Meet Melissa, Meetings & Events Coordinator for The Venues Collection…

It is with affection we often refer to The Venues Collection as TVC. To recognise the integrity & passion of our teams we’ve interviewed several of them so you, our lovely customers, can understand who the people behind the masks are and what makes them proud to be #IAMTVC.

In this edition we speak to Melissa…

Your name & job title:

I’m Melissa. I work as a Meetings & Events Coordinator. I work with clients to support their event needs and ensure their delegates have a great experience with us.

Which venue do you work for?

Milton Hill House Hotel in Oxfordshire.

How long have you worked here?

1 year and 6 months.

What is the best thing about working for The Venues Collection?

The team as everyone is so lovely.

What is your favourite event type?

Weddings. Planning a wedding can feel pretty overwhelming so helping a couple to create their dream day and take their worries away gives me such job satisfaction.

What is your favourite room at your venue and why?

The Wisteria room at Milton Hill House Hotel, because it is spacious, light and airy and with the large patio doors you can bring the outside in. It is also has a neutral colour scheme so it’s a blank canvas for customers to theme and dress how they like.

How do you feel about the COVID secure changes now in place at the venues?

They are working really well for meetings, events and weddings. Our team and customers are adapting amazingly to the new COVID procedures & changing government COVID restrictions.

If customers are worried about visiting a Venues Collection Venue, due to COVID-19, what would you say to reassure them?

We are very lucky to have large space at our venue, which means we can meet social distancing guidelines and utilise the space so people still feel comfortable. We have additional measures in place for everyone’s safety such as the one-way system, hand sanitizing stations, protective screens at the bars/reception and masks to be worn in public areas.

We have also increased the frequency of cleaning, paying extra attention to touch points such as door handle and light switches. Meeting rooms and bedrooms are thoroughly cleaned before guest’s arrival and have a door seal added to indicate the room has been sanitised and no-one else has entered before them.


Now for a few questions to get to know you even better…

You only get 3 words to describe yourself – what are they? …

Giggly, chatty and hard working

What is your favourite food?

Anything edible! However, if I had to choose it would probably be crisps.

What is your favourite film & why?

Grease because it is a classic film that you can watch over and over again but never get bored!

What is your ideal holiday destination?

Somewhere sunny and near the beach!

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